We are counting on you to help make the 2023 Calendar Raffle fundraiser a success! Drawings will be held in April, May & June with 38 chances to win a total of $1,875 in cash prizes! Get your $20 raffle ticket supporting Church Maintenance and Gym Maintenance. Your ticket is good for all drawings - all winning entries will be automatically re-entered for the next raffle. We are asking each family to help us by selling 3 raffles for this Fundraiser. If you wish to sell more, they are available at the Rectory Office—please call 201-947-4545 and we can arrange for local delivery or pick up during the week. All completed slips along with the $20 per ticket sold can be returned by placing them in the collection basket or can be dropped off at the Rectory Office. Checks should be made payable to St. John’s Church. Thank you for your support.