The sacrament of the Eucharist is the source & summit to all of Christian life. It is the central core to all sacraments. By engaging in the sacrament of Eucharist we are in communion with Christ and one another. Your child’s preparation for First Communion is one of the most profound times in his/her life and the life of the whole family!
Each child will discover the beauty of God’s creation and her/his unique beauty and talents within that creation. Your child will learn about the Mass and experience God’s love through participation in the Mass. They will come to understand the importance of community and their role in Mass each week. The children learn about the Mass and gospel readings each week through classroom study and will experience it through Sunday worship.
Parent Meetings are held to assist parents in their responsibility in preparation of their children. Many parents may feel nervous or inadequate about preparing their child for Holy Eucharist, but with love and guidance and support from our catechetical staff the parent will come to know that they are their child’s best teacher. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians, catechists and priest together to determine a child’s readiness for First Holy Communion.
There are two Family First Eucharist Retreats are planned on a scheduled Sunday and Saturday morning during the preparation period.
First Holy Communion for all prepared students will be celebrated at a Parish Mass during the Easter Season. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is celebrated at 9:30 AM on scheduled Sundays where the gospel readings are read at an age-appropriate level of understanding for children.
For more information contact [email protected].