The Bereavement Ministry responds to the needs of parishioners grieving the loss of a significant person/persons in their lives. Depending on the need of the grieving our outreach may include liturgy planning, home visitations, phone call support, support group, Days of Remembrance, All Souls Day celebration. This ministry of consolation looks to the example and words of Jesus, “Blessed are they who mourn, they shall be consoled.” (Matthew 5:4)
Contact: Lena Boggiano (201) 945-3308
As part of St. John's commitment to the Inter-Religious Fellowship for the Homeless, the parish runs the soup kitchen in Hackensack on the fourth Monday of each month from September to June. The average number of clients per session is 100. Volunteers are needed in the following ways:
The Food Pantry is utilized by individuals or families in need of food on an immediate basis. Our Food Pantry is located in the Lower Hall of the Church - by the Back Parking Lot of Kingsley Street..Volunteers are needed in the following ways:
Originating in 1996 from requests within the parish, the HIV/Aids Compassion Ministry formed to provide assistance to those in the St. Johns parish infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The Ministry also helps in the community, the county, and even the tri-state area, in cooperation with other service organizations.
The Ministry has distributed informational literature and prayer cards, displayed quilt panels from the National AIDS Memorial Quilt, and conducted fundraisers for several children's centers. It also conducts drives through out the year collecting the much needed Ensure® food supplement, toiletries and sundries, and food-bank items.
Volunteers are always needed to assists with various projects and to provide new ideas of compassion.
Contact: Bob Sorbanelli at (732) 652-3571
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound offers care, support, companionship and compassion to the members of our parish family who are elderly, homebound or ill.
Volunteers are needed to:
Eucharistic Ministers are needed to bring Communion to homes and hospitals.
When visiting older adults, volunteers meet some of the most interesting people at the most difficult times in their lives. It is our privilege to bring the love and concern of Christ to these special members of our church.
Contact: Parish Office at 201-947-4545
In response to Pope John Paul II’s call to promote the Gospel of Life, this ministry's goal is to help protect human life from the moment of conception to natural death. This is accomplished by raising awareness through Respect Life Sunday, educational efforts and legislative alerts.
Statement of the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey on the Reproductive Freedom Act
Contact: Mary Rausch at (201) 944-3285